How To Start A Yoga Practice


Have you been curious about yoga for a while but aren't sure how to begin?  Or maybe you feel a little nervous going to class but are not sure about investing into private lessons? I highly encourage those new to yoga to start with an introductory beginners course, designed to teach the basics of yoga (I teach one, by the way, on Wednesdays at 7:45pm). A course like this should provide you with the tools to begin your practice safely and mindfully.  But, depending on your schedule and lifestyle, a series isn't always an option. So here are a few tips to get you started in a class environment:

See what's out there: Check out local studios and venues. Many offer a reduced rate on your first class or introductory first month rates.

Beginners/Basics: Look for a Beginners class or a Basics class (I offer these too!). Try one out and see what you think. A good Beginners or Basics class should leave you feeling suitably recharged and as though you learned something.  If you ever do feel out of your depth in a Basics or Beginners class (you really shouldn't), FIND A NEW CLASS. 

Taste Test: Once you find a studio, try out different teachers that offer classes at times that fit your schedule. Please don't ever give up on yoga after one class or teacher that you didn't connect with. 

Get to class early: This will give you the chance to meet the teacher beforehand. Tell them you're new to yoga. If you have any injuries you need to modify for you'll want to communicate that too. 

When in doubt, Child's Pose: Get down on all fours, sit your hips back to your heals, rest your forehead down on your mat and breathe.

When class is finished: Pat yourself on the back because you did it!  You rolled out your mat and you got on it. You moved, you breathed, you connected. Well done❤️

For more information about my beginner series, click here.